
Tuam Tshoj pheej yig tus nqi Plywood Lub teeb yuag - BRIGHT MARK PP-Daim duab ntsej muag plywood - Bright Mark

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Yuav kom ua tau raws li peb qhov tshwj xeeb thiab kev pabcuam kev nco qab, peb lub tuam txhab tau yeej lub koob npe nrov ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thoob plaws ib puag ncig rauXim Xim Mdf , Hluav taws kub Retardant Mdf , Veneered Ply, Peb lub hom phiaj kawg yog "Yuav tsum xav txog qhov ua tau zoo tshaj plaws, Ua qhov zoo tshaj plaws". Thov hu rau peb yog tias koj muaj qhov yuav tsum tau ua ua ntej.
Tuam Tshoj pheej yig tus nqi Plywood Lub teeb yuag - BRIGHT MARK PP-Daim duab ntsej muag plywood - Bright Mark Detail:


- Waterproof kev ua tau zoo thiab hnav & tsim kua muag resistant

- Tsis tau corroded los ntawm pob zeb

-Tshwj xeeb nyuaj-hnav thiab durability

- Yooj yim rau dismount, tso tawm tus neeg sawv cev dawb, tsis yog cement, ua kom tiav

-Resistance rau lwj thiab fungal kab mob

-Lub sijhawm siv cov ntoo sib txawv kom tau raws li koj qhov kev thov

-Txo cov yas saum npoo nqus ntawm cov av noo ntawm lub rooj tsavxwm

-Txhob los ntshav tawm ntawm cov npuas thiab pob zeb.

Daim ntawv thov

- Lub tsev & kev tsim kho

-Furniture manufacturing

- Kev tsim khoom ua si

- Sab hauv & sab nrauv tsim

- Cov kab mob thiab kab tsuag

- Kev lag luam tsheb



- Ntim


Dimensions, mm1220 × 2440, 1250 × 2500, 1220 × 2500 hli
Thickness, hli12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 35, ib
Hom ntosmooth / smooth (F / F)
Xim ximntsuab, xiav
Zaj duab xis thickness, mm0.5 hli PP
Kua nplaumphenolic WBP (hom dynea 962T), melamine WBP
Formaldehyde emission chav kawmE1
Dej tsis kamsiab
Qhov ceev, kg / m3550-700 Nws
Cov dej noo,%5-14
Ntug sealingAcryl-raws li dej resistant xim
Daim ntawv pov thawjEN 13986, EN 314, EN 635, EN 636, ISO 12465, KS 301, thiab lwm yam.

Lub zog ntsuas

Qhov kawg static dabtsi yog khoov zog, min Mparaws li cov nplej ntawm lub ntsej muag veneers60
tiv thaiv cov nplej ntawm lub ntsej muag veneers30
Static dabtsi yog khoov elasticity modulus, min Mparaws cov nplej6000
tawm tsam cov nplej3000

Number of Plies & kam rau ua

Thickness (hli)Number of PliesThickness kam rau ua

Product details duab:

China Cheap price Plywood Lightweight - BRIGHT MARK PP-Film faced plywood – Bright Mark detail pictures

Yam khoom Guide:

Peb hais kom muab tus hwm zoo tsim nrog lub tuam txhab zoo heev lub tswv yim, kev muag khoom ncaj ncees nrog rau kev pab zoo tshaj plaws thiab ceev ceev. Nws yuav coj koj tsis tsuas yog cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov txiaj ntsig loj, tab sis qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog los tuav lub lag luam tsis kawg rau Tuam Tshoj Tus nqi pheej yig Plywood Lub teeb yuag - BRIGHT MARK PP-Film ntsib plywood - Bright Mark, cov khoom yuav muab rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Indonesia, Salt Lake City, Jordan, Tam sim no, peb tab tom sim nkag mus rau cov lag luam tshiab uas peb tsis muaj lub xub ntiag thiab tsim kev lag luam uas peb twb tau nkag mus. Raws li tus account ntawm superior zoo thiab tus nqi sib tw, peb yuav yog tus thawj coj ua lag luam, thov tsis txhob yig tiv tauj peb hauv xov tooj lossis email, yog tias koj txaus siab rau ib qho ntawm peb cov khoom.

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